Standard post published to Forest & Ray - Dentists, Orthodontists, Implant Surgeons at March 20, 2024 12:00

Understanding Tooth Extraction: When It's the Right Call

Tooth extraction involves removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. While dentists always aim to preserve natural teeth, there are situations where extraction becomes necessary.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction:

Severe decay or damage: When a tooth is beyond repair due to extensive decay or trauma.
Gum disease: Advanced gum disease (periodontitis) can loosen the tooth support and necessitate extraction.
Impacted teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth often need extraction to prevent pain, infections, and crowding.
Orthodontic treatment: Teeth may be removed as part of orthodontic treatment to create space and achieve a correct bite.
Infection: When an infection doesn't respond to antibiotics or root canal treatment.
The Tooth Extraction Process:

Anesthesia: Your dentist will numb the area to minimize pain. Sedation options might be available if you're anxious.

Tooth Replacement: After extraction, discuss options like implants, bridges, or dentures with your dentist to maintain your chewing ability and your smile.
Follow-up: Regular post-extraction checkups with your dentist ensure proper healing.
While losing a tooth can be a concern, sometimes extraction is the best solution to protect your overall oral health.

For more information on tooth extraction, visit our website:

Learn more

Original post here: Standard post published to Forest & Ray - Dentists, Orthodontists, Implant Surgeons at March 20, 2024 12:00


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